Holiday Gift Guide 2022 - Top tech gift guide for her - Mom

Holiday Gift Guide 2022 - Top tech gift guide for her - Mom

My mom needs new tech! I know a lot people say that but my mom is. All I wanted for holidays this year is to be able to make her day to day easier. Being a military wife, a mother of 8 and a grandm...

Holiday Gift Guide 2022 - Season of Giving, Savings, and TECH!

Holiday Gift Guide 2022 - Season of Giving, Savings, and TECH!

This year is the year of giving! Remembering that we gotta be thankful for all the good life has given us! This is also the year of TECH!  And there are a few people that instantly come to mind tha...

Holiday Gift Guide 2022- Upgrading the Holidays

Holiday Gift Guide 2022- Upgrading the Holidays

Holidays are a time of year I look forward to most because I get to spend it with all the people I care about and upgrades. I can think of two people without question I want to upgrade to upgrade t...

Holiday Gift Guide 2022 - Paying it back 🎁

Holiday Gift Guide 2022 - Paying it back 🎁

The holiday season has become such a crucial time for me over the years. I guess a lot of people feel this way at some point. You no longer have the family there when you wake up on that special mo...

Where is plug tech located?

Where is plug tech located?

Many people always ask, where is plug tech located? Our facility is located in St. Louis, Missouri. We are a vendor for all certified pre-owned tech for all demographics! Whether its your mom, dad,...

Is plug better tech legit?

Is plug better tech legit?

This has to be the million dollar question, is plug better tech legit? The plug brand may still be relatively new, however, our operations have been around for over a decade. We have served the Met...